Author: Global

  • New Format & Layout This 2024

    Welcome visitors! Browse the website using the new navigation format. We are including a list of research sites you can visit that gather scientific information about different subjects. RefSeek » WorldCat » Springer » BioLine » Repec » Science » ResearchGate » The quantum computing controller has been hidden to guest users and is now […]

  • Happy New Year!

    Wishing all determinists happy moments and prosperity in this new year! Productivity is projected to increase considerably compared to last year (thanks to the reduction of the pandemic). Follow our official social media accounts and subscribe to the site’s RSS feed to receive the latest content each week.

  • SoundCoin – Updates 2022

    The official site has received its first major release update in five years. The original crypto-sonorous currency’s implementation is now called “SoundCoin Classic”, while the applications being launched are powered by the newer version of “SoundCoin”. – Authorized snapshot saved by website’s plaftorm –

  • Tokens Store

    The official non-fungible tokens store is now open, with products ranging from limited edition SoundCoin items to curated musical artworks. Visit the marketplace here!

  • New Services & Applications | A.I.

    Which application or service would you like to use on our platform? Only one vote per IP Address!

  • Sound of Prediction

    The musical artist Gaetano Dellepiane released to the public Sound of Prediction, the first contrasted future projection artwork in the world. Originally devised last year to implement particle tracking sensors, this composition uses the difference between expected quantum circuit noise inside a NISQ computer and the actual outcome to generate sound. Data amplification and normalization […]